Prof. Heena Goswami

Contact Details
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M.E. (Computer), Gujarat Technological University, 2016

B.E. (Computer science), Gujarat Technological University, 2014

Work Experience
  • Teaching: 7 Year 6 Month
  • Total Experience: 7 Year 6 Month
  • Networking

Publications in Journals:

  • Heena Goswami “Energy efficient scheme based on low energy adaptive clustering hierarchical protocol for wireless sensor network”, October 2015, IJSRD, vol.3, issue-8, ISSN number- 23210613
  • Heena Goswami “Energy efficient scheme based on low energy adaptive clustering hierarchical protocol for wireless sensor network using HG LEACH”, May 2016, IJSRD, vol.4, issue-3, ISSN number- 23210613
  • Heena Goswami “A study and analysis of different computer network topologies”,September 2017, research matrix, vol. 4, issue-2, ISSN number- 23217073

Publications in Conferences:

  • Heena Goswami “Latest LEACH Routing Protocol – A Comparative Study”, National conference on “Recent trends in engineering, management and pharmacy”, March 2016