Prof. Sweety Dhabaliya

Contact Details
  • Mobile: 0000000000
  • Email:
  • Office Phone: 0285 2610055
  • B.E(I.T.),Saurashtra University,2007
Work Experience
  • Teaching: 15 Year 6 Month
  • Industry:
  • Total Experience: 15 Year 6 Month

Publication in Journals :

  • Dhabaliya Sweety Rajeshkumar, An impact role of ICT in education, 8(4),august-2015,ISSN:2320-7620
  • Dhabaliya Sweety Rajeshkumar,Computer Applications in Sociology,Research Matrix International Multidisciplinary Journal,2014,ISSN 2321 – 7073

Publication in Conference :

  • Dhabaliya Sweety Rajeshkumar, A comprehensive study of the Destination Recommender System employing Artificial Intelligence, “Women in Science & Technology : Creating Sustainable Career”,2023
  • Dhabaliya Sweety Rajeshkumar, Comparative study on object oriented approach and aspect oriented approach for the software development, The Millenium:Honoring The past,treasuring the present,shaping the future, 2023