Prof. Pritesh Pandya

Contact Details
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M.E. Electrical Engineering

B.E. Electrical Engineering

Work Experience
  • Teaching: 08 Year 0 Month
  • Industry: 05 Year 0 Month
  • Total Experience: 13 Year 0 Month
  • Power System
  • Renewable Energy
  • E-Vehicle ,
  • Reviewer in “International Journal of Novel Research and Development”
  • Reviewer in “Journal of Emerging Technologies and innovative Research”

Publications in Journals:

  • Prof. Pritesh Pandya “Modeling and Analysis of Power Quality Evaluation of Traction Power Supply System of High speed Railway” National Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering & Technology”. 31st march 2023 ISBN 978-93-91535-44-5

Publications in Conferences:

  • Prof. Pritesh Pandya “Modeling and Analysis of traction power supply system of High speed Railway.” “NOBCON” 2016