Dr. Rinku Chavda

Contact Details
  • Email: rinku.chavda@dsuni.ac.in

MCA, Gujarat University, 2010

BCA, Sardar Patel University, 2007

Work Experience
  • Teaching: 13 Year 0 Month
  • Total Experience: 13 Year 0 Month
  • Data Analytics
  • Machine learning

Publications in Journals:

  • Rinku Chavda, Dr. Sohil Pandya, Dr. Chetan D. Kotwal, ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION PATTERNS USING SOM-BASED TWO-LEVEL CLUSTERING OF RESIDENTIAL HOUSEHOLDS, Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 13-1, 93-107, 0976-5166, 2022, Engg Journals Publications
  • Rinku Chavda, Dr. Sohil Pandya, Experimenting Sensor-based Effective Energy Saving Module for Household Electricity Consumption, GU – JET (Journal of Engineering and Technology), Volume 1-, 194-199, 2023
    Rinku Chavda, Dr. Sohil Pandya, Dr. Chetan Kotwal, Influence of Demographic-Household Features on Electricity Consumption to generate Consumption Patterns and Profiles, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16-35, 2879-2888, 2023, Indian Society for Education and Environment
  • Chavda Rinku, Pandya Sohil, Comparing Context Free Cleaning for Different Users Applied to Tagged Data using Similarity Metrics for Enhanced Tag Cloud, International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, Volume 8-2, 273-279, 2018
  • Chavda Rinku, Pandya Sohil, Opportunities and Applications of Internet of Things for Innovation & Start-up in Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts, Volume 6-Special Issue 2, 115-121, 2018
  • Chavda Rinku, Pandya Sohil, ANALYZING ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTIONS PATTERN FOR PROFILING AND FORECASTING: A, International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, Volume 8-2, 236-242, 2018
  • Shingala Amisha, Virparia Paresh, Chavda Rinku , NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERFACE FOR STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (NLSIS), PRAJNA-Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 41, 2011
  • Pandya Sohil D, Virparia Paresh V, Chavda Rinku, Implementation of folksonomy based tag cloud model for information retrieval from document repository in an Indian university, Int. J. Soft Comput. Artif. Intell., Volume 5-1, 42248, 2016
  • Amisha Shingala, Rinku Chavda, ANY2MySQL: An Effective Tool for Data Conversion, International Journal of Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology, DIT – IJCICT, Volume 1-1, 2012

Publications in Conferences:

  • Rinku Chavda, Dr. Sohil Pandya, Experimenting Sensor-based Effective Energy Saving Module for Household Electricity Consumption, 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Applications (ICDSIA-2023) on
    28th-29th April, 2023.
  • Chavda Rinku, Pandya Sohil, Opportunities and Applications of Internet of Things for Innovation & Start-up in Engineering and Technology, National Conference on Emerging Start-up & Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ESIET), 2018
  • Pandya Sohil D, Virparia Paresh V, Chavda Rinku, Implementation of folksonomy based tag cloud model for information retrieval from document repository in an Indian university, National Conference on Soft Computing and its Applications, 2016